Straddling the South China Sea, which Yee I-Lann calls the Great Borneo Sea, and with a longstanding interest in the Southeast Asian region and its global connectivities, I-Lann’s practice has cut across photomedia, text, textile, site-specific installation, and video, drawing on a broad range of knowledges and material. Her work is often situated at the shifting nexus of power and linguistics and explores the impact of historic memory in contemporary affairs.
Recently she has been making collaborative works with Dusun and Murut inland weavers in Keningau, coastal Bajau Laut weavers at Omadal Island in Semporna, as well as collaborating with urban dancers and filmmakers in Kota Kinabalu city.
I-Lann is currently a board member for the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS) and Forever Sabah, and is co-founding partner of Kota-K Art Gallery in Kota Kinabalu. Recent solo exhibitions have been held at Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile, Hong Kong (2021); Silverlens, NY (2022); and Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, CA (2024). Recent group exhibitions include artwork featured at Barbican Art Gallery, London, UK (2024); National Gallery of Victoria Triennial, Melbourne, Australia (2023); New Taipei City Art Museum, Taiwan (2023); and Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan (2023).